10 Days MBA Plan Is A Scam? AICTE And Dhruv Rathee Reaction!


10 Days MBA Course Is A Fake Program, Misleading The Indian Youth – AICTE

In the fast-paced world of self-improvement and career enhancement, the allure of quick-fix solutions can be tempting.A renowned YouTuber and motivational speaker, has been making waves with his ’10 Day MBA’ program. However, not everyone is applauding this endeavor.

A recent advisory from the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has cast a shadow over this program. In a tweet, AICTE issued a public notice, cautioning against what they label as a ‘Fake MBA Programme targeting Youths.’ The advisory asserts that certain influencers are offering a 10-day MBA crash course, deeming it an attempt to misguide the youth.

The AICTE, citing a Supreme Court judgment, emphasizes that no institution or university can run technical courses, including MBA programs, without approval from AICTE. The traditional MBA is a comprehensive two-year post-graduate degree designed to equip individuals with advanced skills in various aspects of business and management. According to the AICTE, the claim that an MBA program can be completed in a mere 10 days is not only misleading but also inappropriate.

Famed YouTuber and commentator Dhruv Rathee joined the conversation, shedding light on what he perceives as a significant flaw in the program’s branding. Rathee argues that naming the course ’10 Day MBA’ is inherently misleading. While he acknowledges the potential value in the course content, he emphasizes the discrepancy between the program’s name and the reality of earning a Master’s in Business Administration.

Rathee draws an analogy, likening it to buying ketchup labeled ‘Fresh Tomato’ only to discover a disclaimer on the packaging stating that it’s merely a brand name and does not represent the true nature of the product. In essence, the concern is that the ’10 Day MBA’ name sets unrealistic expectations, potentially leaving enrollees disillusioned about the depth and legitimacy of the knowledge gained within the program.

As the debate unfolds, potential students and stakeholders are urged to exercise caution and not fall prey to what is being labeled as a misleading and inappropriate crash course.


Q1: Is the ’10 Day MBA’ program approved by the AICTE?

A1: No, the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has issued an advisory against such crash courses, deeming them an attempt to misguide the youth.

Q2: Why is Dhruv Rathee critical of the program’s name?

A2: Rathee argues that the name ’10 Day MBA’ is inherently misleading, creating unrealistic expectations about the depth and legitimacy of the knowledge gained within the program.

Q3: How long does a traditional MBA program typically take?

A3: According to the AICTE, the traditional MBA is a two-year post-graduate degree program. The claim that an MBA can be completed in 10 days is deemed misleading and inappropriate by the council.

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