Indian Youtuber Rachitroo Vs International Youtuber Sneako Fight ! Twitter ?

Rachitroo Vs Sneako Fight

In a Recent time,Sneako Post a Bad Comment and Hurt Hindu’s Religious Sentiments on which Rachitroo Shows his Outrage Actively.

  • Many Indians have faced racism on Twitter X recently.
  • Twitter X is being criticized for allowing this hateful content.
  • An ongoing battle between Indian and international YouTubers has erupted.
  • International creator Sneako posted comments that hurt Hindu religious sentiments.
  • Indian YouTuber Rachitroo responded strongly to Sneako’s comments during a live stream.
  • Rachitroo warned Sneako and expressed his outrage over the situation.

Recently, Twitter X has been under fire for promoting racist content against Indians. Many people have noticed an increase in hateful comments and posts targeting Indians on the platform. Unfortunately, instead of taking action against this, Twitter X seems to be allowing it to continue, which has upset many users.

In the middle of all this, a battle has started between Indian and international YouTubers. The situation heated up when an international content creator named Sneako made some very offensive comments that hurt the religious feelings of Hindus. This didn’t sit well with the Indian YouTube community, and one YouTuber, Rachitroo, decided to take a stand.

Rachitroo, who is known for his lively and bold personality, showed his anger openly during a live stream. He called out Sneako for his comments and didn’t hold back. He expressed how hurtful Sneako’s words were and warned him to be careful. Rachitroo’s response has been praised by many of his fans, who feel that someone needed to speak up against this kind of behavior.

The ongoing conflict has drawn a lot of attention, with many people on both sides watching closely to see what happens next. The situation has highlighted the larger issue of racism and how social media platforms, like Twitter X, play a role in either promoting or stopping it.


  1. Why is Twitter X being criticized?
    Twitter X is being criticized because it is allowing racist content against Indians to spread on the platform.
  2. Who is Sneako?
    Sneako is an international content creator who recently made offensive comments that hurt Hindu religious sentiments.
  3. How did Rachitroo respond to Sneako’s comments?
    Rachitroo responded strongly during a live stream, showing his anger and warning Sneako to be careful.
  4. What is the main issue highlighted by this situation?
    The main issue is the rise in racism against Indians on social media platforms and how these platforms handle such content.

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