Flying Beast Wife MMS Became Viral? Deepfake Scam Exposed !

Flying Beast wife ritu rathee deepfake video mms leaked new vlog

Flying Beast Wife Ritu Rathee Deepfake Video became Viral? What Happened Next will Shock you ! ЁЯСЙ Click here to Read More !

Recently, Flying Beast shared something serious with all of us. He saw a video that wasn’t real but looked like his wife, Ritu Rathee. It’s called a DeepFake, like magic, but not the good kind.

Flying Beast wants parents to be careful. He says when kids grow up, there might be more fake stuff, and it won’t be fun. He doesn’t want anyone to feel confused or hurt because of these fake videos.

So, here’s what you should know:

  1. What is a DeepFake?
    A DeepFake is like a tricky video made by a computer. It looks real, but it’s not. Like seeing your friend in a magic show!
  2. Why did Flying Beast talk about it?
    Flying Beast cares about families. He saw a fake video of his wife, and it made him worry. He doesn’t want this to happen to anyone else.
  3. How can parents help?
    Parents, Flying Beast says to keep an eye on your kids. When they become big, there might be more fake videos. Talk to them about what’s real and what’s not.
  4. Why is this important for kids?
    Kids, Flying Beast wants you to be smart. Don’t believe everything you see. If something looks strange, ask someone you trust about it.
  5. What’s the big deal with DeepFakes?
    DeepFakes can make things confusing. Flying Beast wants everyone to be ready and not get tricked by these fake videos.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What’s the difference between real and DeepFake videos?
Real videos capture real moments, while DeepFake videos are like pretend videos made by computers.

2. Why did Flying Beast get worried about the DeepFake video?
Flying Beast cares about people and families. He doesn’t want anyone to feel bad because of fake videos.

3. How can parents protect their kids from DeepFakes?
Parents should talk to their kids about what’s real and what’s fake. Keep an eye on them and be there to help if something seems strange.

4. What should kids do if they see a DeepFake video?
Kids, don’t be afraid to ask someone you trust about it. They can help you understand what’s real and what’s not.

5. Why is it essential for everyone to be aware of DeepFakes?
DeepFakes can make things confusing, and Flying Beast wants everyone to be ready. Don’t believe everything you see, especially if it seems strange or unreal.

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