Jiya Shankar vs Manish Rani Friend Vishal Controversy !

Jiya Shankar vs Vishal Singh Controversy

Jiya Shankar recently being trolled by Manisha Rani Friend Vishal ! What Happened Next will Shock you ! ЁЯСЙ Click here to Read More !


  • Jiya Shankar was trolled by her friend Vishal on Instagram.
  • Vishal made a roast video targeting Jiya.
  • Jiya responded with a witty comment, suggesting Vishal should audition for BBott season 3 and sign up for therapy sessions.
  • Vishal defended his actions, stating it was just a friendly roast.

Recently, the social media world witnessed a bit of drama unfold between two acquaintances, Jiya Shankar and Vishal. It all started when Vishal decided to showcase his comedic skills by roasting Jiya in an Instagram reel. While some found it amusing, others felt it crossed the line.

In response to Vishal’s roast, Jiya didn’t hold back. She took to her social media platform and fired back with a clever comment. Jiya questioned if Vishal was auditioning for a reality show, hinting at his performance in the roast. She also suggested that Vishal might benefit from therapy sessions, poking fun at his apparent stress, depression, and obsession.

However, Vishal was quick to defend himself. He argued that his intentions were light-hearted and meant in jest. Vishal emphasized that it was merely a friendly roast, and he never intended to upset Jiya.

The back-and-forth banter between Jiya and Vishal captured the attention of many on social media. While some found the exchange entertaining, others debated the fine line between friendly banter and hurtful comments.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Why did Vishal roast Jiya Shankar?
    Vishal made a roast video targeting Jiya Shankar as a form of comedy on Instagram.
  2. How did Jiya respond to Vishal’s roast?
    Jiya responded with a witty comment, suggesting Vishal should audition for a reality show and sign up for therapy sessions.
  3. What was Vishal’s explanation for his actions?
    Vishal defended his actions, stating that it was just a friendly roast and not meant to cause any harm.
  4. What was the reaction of social media users to the exchange?
    Social media users had mixed reactions, with some finding the banter amusing while others debated the appropriateness of the comments.
  5. Did the exchange between Jiya and Vishal escalate further?
    No, the exchange between Jiya and Vishal remained confined to social media, and there were no further escalations reported.

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