A Youtuber Norme Put his Life in Danger to Break Guinness World Record !1.2M Subscriber

Norme want to break guinness world record

A Youtuber want to break a Guinness World Record.What Happened Next will Shock you ! 👉 Click here to Read More !

  • A YouTuber named Norme is trying to break a Guinness World Record by live streaming continuously for 19 days.
  • This kind of record is already banned by the Guinness team because it’s very dangerous for health.
  • Norme’s decision is risky and could lead to serious health problems.
  • Some of his fans support him, but others are angry and worried about his safety.

Norme, a popular YouTuber, is on a mission to break a Guinness World Record by live streaming nonstop for 19 days. But what seems like an exciting challenge is actually a dangerous decision that could put his life at risk. Guinness World Records has already banned these types of records because they are too dangerous for human health. Staying awake and online for that long can lead to serious problems like extreme fatigue, confusion, and even heart issues.

Despite knowing the risks, Norme is determined to go ahead with his plan. Some of his fans are cheering him on, saying he’s brave and dedicated. But others are upset and worried, feeling that he’s putting his health in danger for something that’s not worth it. They believe Normee should listen to reason and stop before it’s too late.

In the end, no record is worth risking your life. Norme’s decision might be exciting for some, but it’s important to remember that our health should always come first.


Q: Why is Norme trying to break this record?
A: Norme wants to set a new Guinness World Record by live streaming for 19 days straight.

Q: Is this type of record allowed?
A: No, Guinness World Records has banned this kind of record because it’s very dangerous for human health.

Q: What are the risks of trying to break this record?
A: Staying awake and live streaming for that long can cause serious health problems, like extreme tiredness, confusion, and even heart issues.

Q: How are people reacting to Norme’s decision?
A: Some fans are supporting him, but others are worried and angry because they think he’s putting his life at risk.

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