UK07 Rider Brother Kalam Ink Exposed Big Boss Team Behaviour, Fans Giving Hate!


UK07 Rider Brother Kalam Ink Exposed Big Boss Maker Team Behaviour

In a surprising turn of events, the widely popular YouTuber and UK07 rider, Anurag Doba,l has been ousted from the Big Boss house. The unexpected eviction has raised eyebrows and garnered attention from his fans and followers who have been avidly following his journey on the reality show.

Amidst the buzz, Anurag’s elder brother, Kalam Ink, flew to Mumbai to bring him back home. However, what was anticipated to be a joyful reunion took a disheartening turn as Kalam Ink shared a disconcerting experience with the Big Boss team in his latest vlog.

In the vlog, Kalam Ink expressed his concern about the lack of communication from the Big Boss team regarding Anurag’s whereabouts and well-being. He revealed that despite being in Mumbai for the past three days, the team has not provided any information about Anurag’s safety or health condition. This unexpected silence from the Big Boss team has left Anurag’s family in the dark, raising questions about the transparency of the show’s communication process.

Kalam Ink expressed his disappointment by comparing the initial support they received from the Big Boss team when Anurag entered the house to the current situation. He highlighted how the team was attentive, caring, and supportive during Anurag’s entry, but the dynamics drastically changed after his eviction. The lack of communication has left the family anxious and frustrated, as they remain uncertain about Anurag’s well-being and whereabouts.

As the controversy surrounding Anurag Doba,l’s eviction continues to unfold, fans and viewers are eagerly awaiting a response from the Big Boss team to address the concerns raised by Kalam Ink. The unexpected turn of events has left many questioning the transparency and communication protocols within the Big Boss house.


  1. Is UK07 Rider, safe?
    Unfortunately, there is no information regarding UK07 Rider’s safety or well-being after his eviction from the Big Boss house. His family is currently in the dark about his current condition.
  2. Why hasn’t the Big Boss team contacted Anurag’s family?
    Kalam Ink, Anurag’s elder brother, expressed disappointment in his latest vlog, stating that despite being in Mumbai for three days, the Big Boss team has not communicated any information about Anurag’s situation or whereabouts.
  3. What was the initial support from the Big Boss team like?
    Kalam Ink mentioned in his vlog that the Big Boss team was supportive, caring, and communicative during Anurag’s entry into the house. However, this support seems to have waned after his eviction.
  4. Are fans and viewers concerned about the situation?
    Yes, the unexpected turn of events has sparked concern among fans and viewers, prompting them to seek answers from the Big Boss team regarding the transparency and communication protocols in the show.

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