1 Lakh Expense per Event ! Bhumi Pednekar Revealed the Secrets ! Latest Update!

Bhumi Pednekar revealed her expense for one show

Bhumi Pednekar Revealed Her Expense For One Show, Made Her Most Expensive Actress.

In a recent revelation on the Ranveer Allahbadia show, the talented and renowned actress Bhumi Pednekar opened up about the intricacies of her expenses for a single show. With candidness and a touch of humor, she gave the audience a peek into the financial aspects of being in the spotlight.

Bhumi, known for her stellar performances on the silver screen, shared insights into the cost of maintaining her glamorous image during public appearances. According to her, the expenses for a single show are quite substantial but fall within what she considers a basic necessity for someone in the industry.

“Let’s break it down,” she chuckled, “Styling alone sets me back around 10,000 to 15,000 INR. Then there’s the not-so-budget-friendly mode of transportation. Whether it’s a swanky vehicle or a trusty taxi, that’s another 15,000 to 20,000 INR. And of course, we can’t forget the magic of makeup, the allure of the perfect dress, and all those little things that add up.”

With a smile, Bhumi revealed that the grand total for these show essentials hovers around the 70,000 to 80,000 INR mark. She emphasized that managing these expenses falls squarely on her shoulders, displaying a strong sense of independence and resourcefulness.

“I mean, let’s be real,” she quipped, “I’m not going to ask my mom for 80,000 bucks just for one show. That’s not happening. So, I’ve got to hustle and make it work.”

Bhumi Pednekar’s revelation sheds light on the often overlooked financial side of the glamourous world of showbiz, proving that even the brightest stars have to balance the books.


Q: How much does Bhumi Pednekar spend on styling for a single show?
A: Bhumi mentioned that styling expenses for one show range from 10,000 to 15,000 INR.

Q: What is the estimated cost of transportation for Bhumi Pednekar’s shows?
A: The actress revealed that vehicle or taxi charges can vary between 15,000 and 20,000 INR.

Q: What is the total expense for one show, including makeup and dress?
A: Bhumi Pednekar stated that the overall cost, covering styling, transportation, makeup, dress, and other essentials, falls around 70,000 to 80,000 INR.

Q: How does Bhumi Pednekar manage these expenses?
A: Bhumi highlighted her self-reliance, stating that she takes care of all these expenses herself, without seeking financial support from her family.

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