Elvish Yadav’s Friend Ajju 0008 Reacted To Their Friendship, Fans Shocked ! Latest Updates!

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Ajju 0008 Latest Podcast Revealed Friendship Status With Elvish Yadav, Fans Got Shocked.

In the buzzing world of online content creators, Elvish Yadav’s friendship with his buddy Ajju 0008 has been a topic of discussion lately.

In the latest episode, Ajju 0008 got candid about the changes in his friendship with Elvish. He emphasized that their bond isn’t broken, but there’s definitely a bit more space between them now. What’s the reason, you ask? According to Ajju, it’s the presence of some “clever people” who’ve managed to wedge themselves between the two friends.

The twist in the tale happened during the Big Boss season, which seems to have affected their closeness. Ajju clarified that there were no issues before Big Boss entered the scene. In fact, they were more in touch and connected before the reality show took over their lives. However, post-Big Boss, things seem to have changed, and their friendship isn’t quite the same as it used to be.

So, what’s the deal with Elvish Yadav and Ajju 0008? Only time will tell if these “clever people” will continue to create space or if the two friends will find a way to bridge the gap once again.


Q: Who is Elvish Yadav? A: Elvish Yadav is a popular content creator known for his humorous and relatable videos on various social media platforms.

Q: Who is Ajju 0008? A: Ajju 0008 is a friend and fellow content creator associated with Elvish Yadav.

Q: What did Ajju 0008 say about his friendship with Elvish in the podcast? A: Ajju 0008 mentioned that while their friendship isn’t broken, there is more space between them now, attributing it to the presence of some “clever people” who came between them during the Big Boss season.

Q: When did the change in their friendship dynamics occur? A: According to Ajju 0008, the change occurred during the Big Boss season. He clarified that there were no issues before the show, and they were more connected before Big Boss entered the picture.

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