Mridul Madhok vs Youtubers Controversy Latest Update ! Roast Video Soon!

Dhiru Monchik vs Mridul Madhok Controversy

📢 Mridul Madhok will make Roast Video on Thugesh ! What Happened Next will Shock You ! 👉 Click Here to Read More !

Hey, folks! Big news in the YouTube world—there’s drama swirling around like a monsoon! So, picture this: Mridul Madhok, the cool dude from the internet town, got roasted by another YouTuber. Why? Because some say Mridul is dishing out fake copyright strikes like he’s playing cards.

Now, what’s a roast video, you ask? Well, it’s like when your friend makes fun of you but on the internet, for everyone to see. Not so cool, right?

But hold on! Mridul didn’t take it lying down. Nope, he hopped on Instagram and threw a curveball. He posted a poll asking if he should answer all those peeps throwing questions at him. And guess what? The majority said, “Yes, spill the beans!”

So, what’s next? Well, we’re all waiting for Mridul’s comeback, the juicy details, and maybe a bit of drama! Keep those eyes glued to your screens, folks, ’cause this is better than a Bollywood plot twist!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What’s a roast video?
A roast video is like when someone pokes fun at another person on the internet, sharing a good laugh at their expense.

2. Why did Mridul Madhok get roasted?
Some folks are saying Mridul Madhok is handing out fake copyright strikes, and another YouTuber decided to spill the tea through a roast video.

3. What did Mridul Madhok do in response?
He didn’t stay quiet! Mridul went to Instagram and asked his followers if he should spill the beans on all the questions people are throwing at him.

4. What did people say in the Instagram poll?
A big chunk of people said, “Yes, spill the beans!” So, we’re all waiting for Mridul’s side of the story.

5. What’s the buzz in the YouTube world now?
Everybody is eagerly waiting for Mridul Madhok’s response—hoping for drama, revelations, and maybe some popcorn-worthy moments!

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