Pokimane Leaves Twitch ! New Youtube Channel Announced !

Pokimane Quit Twitch New Youtube Channel announced link Retired

Famous Streamer Pokimane Quit Twitch ! Now She Wants to do Stream on his New Youtube Channel. What Happened Next will Shock you ! 👉 Click here to Read More !


  • Pokimane, the famous Twitch streamer, has announced her retirement.
  • She now does live streams on YouTube instead of Twitch.

Hey everyone! Big news in the world of gaming and live streaming! You know Pokimane, right? The awesome Twitch streamer who kept us entertained with her funny moments and cool games? Well, guess what? She’s decided to retire from Twitch!

Now, don’t be sad just yet because there’s a silver lining. Pokimane isn’t leaving us completely. Instead, she’s moving to a new home for her live streams, and that home is YouTube!

Imagine having all the fun and excitement of Pokimane’s streams but on a different platform. It’s like your favorite show moving to a new channel, and you can still catch it without missing a beat.

So, why did Pokimane make this big decision? Well, we don’t have all the details, but sometimes people just want a change, you know? Maybe YouTube has something special in store for her and us!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

  1. Why did Poki mane retire from Twitch?
  • Poki mane decided to retire from Twitch for reasons she might have, but change is a part of life, right?
  1. Where can we watch Pokimane’s live streams now?
  • You can catch Poki mane’s live streams on YouTube! She’s taken her gaming adventures to a new platform.
  1. Will Poki_mane’s content be the same on YouTube?
  • While we can’t predict the future, chances are Pokimane will bring the same fun and excitement to her YouTube streams.
  1. Can we still interact with her during live streams?
  • Absolutely! You can still chat and interact with her during her live streams on YouTube, just like you did on Twitch.
  1. What should we expect from Poki mane’s future content?
  • Only time will tell, but knowing Poki mane, it’s bound to be entertaining and full of surprises!

So, there you have it! Pokimane’s on a new adventure, and we’re invited to join her on YouTube. Change can be a good thing, and who knows, we might discover even more fun in this new gaming world!