Uk07 Rider Should Be Evicted❌ ! Tehelka Prank Bold Statement fire the Internet !

Tehelka prank sunny evicted from big boss

Tehelka prank aka Sunny said something about Beloved Uk07 Rider ! What happened next will shock you ! 👉 Click Here to Read More !

Hey everyone! Exciting updates from the Bigg Boss house! So, Tehelka Prank, the fun guy we all loved, got kicked out recently. Why, you ask? Well, he got into a bit of a scuffle with another contestant. Yeah, it happens, but the problem was he didn’t stop, even after lots of warnings from Bigg Boss.

Now, the interesting part is the interview Tehelka Prank gave after being shown the exit door. He spilled the beans, saying that he and his buddy Arun are still best buds and will be forever. Friends for life, you know?

Tehelka Prank Out from Bigboss 17 latest news Uk07 Rider
Uk07 Rider Should Be Evicted❌ ! Tehelka Prank Bold Statement fire the Internet ! 5

But here’s the twist – Tehelka Prank dropped a bomb, claiming that the cool UK07 Rider, also known as Anurag, had a showdown with Arun too. Crazy, right? But Anurag is still in the game.

Tehelka Prank admitted he messed up, but he’s hopeful. He wants another shot if Bigg Boss is feeling generous. Will he get a second chance? Only time will tell.

Guess what? Elvish Yadav, the winner of Bigg Boss OTT Season 2, had something to say about the whole drama. He thinks Tehelka Prank, aka Sunny, deserves another chance. It’s like Elvish is the Bigg Boss advisor now!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Why did Tehelka Prank get evicted from Bigg Boss?
Tehelka Prank got into a physical fight with another contestant and didn’t stop even after multiple warnings from Bigg Boss, leading to his eviction.

2. What did Tehelka Prank say about his friendship with Arun?
In his interview, Tehelka Prank mentioned that he and Arun are still good friends and plan to stay friends forever.

3. Why did Tehelka Prank mention UK07 Rider, aka Anurag, in his interview?
Tehelka Prank claimed that even Anurag had a fight with Arun, but he wasn’t evicted, raising questions about fairness.

4. What is Tehelka Prank’s stance on his eviction?
Tehelka Prank admitted to his mistake but expressed hope for a second chance, promising not to repeat the same blunder.

5. What did Elvish Yadav, the winner of Bigg Boss OTT Season 2, say about Tehelka Prank’s situation?
Elvish Yadav believes that Tehelka Prank should be given another chance in the Bigg Boss house.

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